
the last 20 years I have built some 50 locomotives in
Gauge 3 as private commissions. As an award winning
model maker I was happy to provide my extensive
experience in this gauge to assist Silver Crest in
delivering an exciting range of great value G3 models".
Mike Pavie
Customer testimonial
"I am absolutely delighted with my Kingscale G3
Britannia. It fully lives up to the promise outlined in
the brochure. All concerned in the research, design and
creation of this model deserve praise for making a
superb piece of mechanical engineering at an affordable
Dr T.M.R.
Edinburgh |
Gauge 3

The Largest Scenic Garden Railway
Gauge 3 models run on 2.5" gauge track. It is one of the five
standard model gauges recommended by a subcommittee of the
Society of Model Engineers on 1st February 1899. Gauge 3 denotes
that the models are fine scale and intended for use on a scenic
railway pulling scale coaches and trucks. The very best model
railways in G3 feature stations, engine sheds, buildings and
other infrastructure features. To bring this miniature world to
life many populate their layout with little people. Locomotives
are generally gas, or coal-fired, and often fitted with radio
control. "Gauge 3" is so named to distinguish it from the
generally less well detailed examples employed by the 2.5" gauge
fraternity who sit behind their models and drive them.
There are some beautiful garden railways in Gauge 3. The
locomotives are built to a near perfect 1/22.6 scale which is
the same as the popular narrow gauge LGB range of models. This
means that a whole range of accessories, including buildings,
are readily available. The locomotives are considerably larger
than Gauge 1 models which are typically built to 1/32 scale and
yet they are priced similarly. This difference in scale delivers
a locomotive approaching three times the volume of its Gauge 1
equivalent. This provides a very real presence on your outdoor
garden railway that Gauge 1 cannot hope to match. Gauge 3 is
truly the king of the model railway gauges.
A Gauge 3 Britannia Class model was Silver Crest's first model
following its incorporation in 2010. We decided to call our live
steam range "Kingscale" simply because it was, in truth, the
largest of the scenic modelling gauges. The range was introduced
to meet the need for ready-to-run, traditionally engineered,
live steam locomotives in G3. We deliberately priced out G3
models at a comparable level to a (smaller) G1 model of similar
specification. The Gauge 3 Society will welcome you as a member
and you can look forward to a number of get-togethers at members
tracks across the country throughout the Spring/Summer season.

A magnificent G3 garden railway