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 "It was a joy to be involved in the development of our latest addition to the Kingscale range of steam fired models with the introduction of the Allchin Traction engine.

Mike Pavie
Customer testimonial

"I am absolutely delighted with my Kingscale G3 Britannia. It fully lives up to the promise outlined in the brochure. All concerned in the research, design and creation of this model deserve praise for making a superb piece of mechanical engineering at an affordable price"

Dr T.M.R.




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Allchin Traction Engine (Click on picture to go to gallery)



Founded by William Allchin in 1847 the Globe Works was located by the river Nene in Northampton. The firm built its first steam engine in 1872.

The firm was incorporated as a limited company at the turn of the century and traded as William Allchin (& sons) Ltd.

The product of the firm was high quality and much admired. However, output was low. There are only circa 20 preserved examples known to have survived, but this represents around 10% of the total production over a 50 year period.

The last Allchin steam engine was built in 1925. The economic depression post World War One putting pressure on the purse strings of key customer segments such as the farming industry.

The Model...

The Allchin in 2" scale (1/6th) seemed the ideal choice for our first venture into the model steam vehicle market. This finely detailed model measures 35" in length and weighs 75kg.
The model is delivered ready-to-run, fully painted and lined as illustrated here.

Priced at £6,995.00 + £195.00 p&p, we believe the model offers outstanding value. Simply compare our prices.

The model comes complete with a silver soldered copper boiler, tested to twice working pressure. The model is traditionally constructed of stainless steel, brass and other quality materials.

Allchin Traction Engine (Click on picture to go to gallery)

Reserve your model now...

We can offer 10 models only

Orders will be accepted on a first come, first served, basis.

Save £195.00 p&p if you order within 28 days!

Delivery and Payment Arrangements



Prices and Shipping Worldwide

We are happy to ship your model by air
direct to you wherever you live in the world.

UK £6,995.00 (Free shipping)
EU £5,829.00 + £245.00 shipping. Total £6,074.00
USA £5,829.00 + £495.00 shipping. Total £6,324.00
ROW £5,829.00 + £695.00 shipping. Total £6,524.00

UK prices include VAT at 20%
EU, USA and ROW customers may be
subject to Duty/Tax on importation.

Request your free brochure today

Request your free brochure today by e-mail or telephone. Brochure available September
Telephone 01327 705 259 e-mail 


Silver Crest Models Limited
18 Cottesbrooke Park
NN11 8YL

Company registration no. 07425348
Tel: 01327 705 259 e-mail: